2009年5月5日 星期二

every frame / 台南 K'S ART當代藝術空間 2009 05/09-2009 06/06‏

台南 K'S ART當代藝術空間

‏展期 2009 05/09-2009 06/06
開幕 2009 05/09pm3:30


展覽文字說明 /黃嘉寧







When I paint, how to decide or choose a subject is both interesting and confusing. I do not have certain criteria. Sometimes I take photos randomly. My camera seizes occasional, casual moments in daily life. It’s like the images that have appeared in my mind come true in reality, my perception is called upon, or a part of me is touched. At that moment, I am a receptor. Sometimes the images come from my mind. Through the arrangement of things, I attempt to express myself at the moment or some fragments of my feelings. – Taken from Self-account of Creation 2007.

As far as the subject is concerned, at first I copied the messages in a picture to a painting in the way exactly as they were represented. Then I found out even rendering an ordinary picture into painting would have made it different in the first place, but it was not necessarily so either.

Besides being turned into a painting, an unexciting or bad picture also appeals to me in a certain way; that is, when I imagine a picture being turned into a painting, I will also have to create unexpected effects outside those that are seemingly limited by its appearance.

Now how do I gaze into things within a frame? There is so much to see in reality that I am bored with it. Then why do I keep looking? And how? I look carelessly whether they are good or bad subjects. Out of the corner of my eye, every material reflects some voidness or room… I don’t need to look at all. The camera looks better than I do. Through this small viewfinder some wonderful or unexpected things can be captured now and then. I only need to wait quietly.

Sometimes I feel that “looking” is being trained into recognizing. I don’t want my artworks to become things that await to be recognized. An image is important. It’s like a contradictory focal length, allowing space and stages among ambiguous things.

For now I’d like to see casually and look within limits. I’ll try to imagine a certain kind of gazing and gaze that possible image…

關於every frame展覽構想

Every frame


My idea came from the concept of timeline in video software. Every frame on the timeline is an image or a picture. When a video is played, the timeline shows the picture of every frame in sequence. However, in my exhibition the artworks are presented in a way that is not related to sequence or time. Every piece of work represents an independent experience of time and space. Every picture is a place for intuition and thoughts to blossom. I consider every frame contains what is represented and what is not, which makes them complete.